Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Winsome Wasp

I've always been a big fan of the (sadly deceased before her recent ill advised quasi-ressurection as a sub atomic celestial entity) winsome Wasp - as a wee fag I'd thrill to this heiress/fashion designer/original Avenger's monthly costume changes, so you can imagine my delight when I found all of them together in one place!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

They're Not Just At Walmart...

We truly are the strangest animals of all.

The Mickey Monster Club

I used to believe that there wasn't a man alive whose looks weren't improved by a haircut and a suit...

Lash Of The Fox-Woman

Her false eyelashes are individually cut, glued and curled pieces of her freshly dyed hair.

I wish she was my nanna.

Pinkey's Special

An older whore gets booked, and the booking menu for the oldest of whorehouses.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Monster: The T-Shirt

Two of my critters apparently had a cross Photoshop album romance, and who am I to stand between young monsters in love (not final colors)?


Not much of a Trekkie, but who can resist Borgcakes?

Snakes & Ladders

Chickens On The Runway

As these ladies remind us,
it's not what you wear,
but how you wear it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Amose Vazimolo

To see more of his work and purchase prints:

Monday, May 3, 2010

And Baby Makes Three

Matron's Day Out: The T-Shirt

With the exception of tweaking the hem of Matron's dress (and deciding on the regular "light correct" vs. more dramatic inverted trees and shrubbery in the background), I think this is the final version of the tee.

Complimentary feedback with a seasoning of constructive criticism is always welcome };^j

Paisley Ink Poolboy

A Place For Everything, And Everything In It's Place

Being a symmetry/spacial balance obsessed compulsive thrifter who's currently living in a rather small attic leaves me the ideal audience for Michael Johansson's sculptures, which I find both captivating in detail and quietly reassuring en masse.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Trick Or Twice The Treat

A few pics from the Urban Archives of Temple University's Paley Library.

Children from the Cherry St. and Pine St. schools as they paraded in Langhorne, Pa. Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct 26, 1956.