Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ursa Asia

I could kill the photographer/stylist for not stretching that fold out at the base of the bear's neck, but otherwise I've nothing but appreciation for Lise Lefebvre's work.


  1. taxidermically speaking, that rug is anatomically correct for the most part. All fur rugs have that crease there; its a natural fold from the lay of the cape with the shape of the skull. I'll bet you knew this but the dork in me couldn't resist.
    I wish the snout was painted; that's my gripe.

  2. I didn't know that, thank you Beth.
    I'M such a dork that i wanted the photographer to either under-support it or stretch the rug for the photo so that it didn't show - it distracted my eye when I first saw it, as I can't always channel my (perceived if not actual) flaw-o-vision o.c.d. into my art and eyebrows };^j
